Monday, October 18, 2010


Our brain cells do tricky things to our mind. Most of us are gifted with imagination and with that, we can form many plausible scenarios right inside our head. It's like paying one movie ticket but watching many different movies. All are played within the same short time frame. Then, our mind is able to draw conclusion based upon these different movies; we create the sound, fulfil the plots, and make our own ending. If it doesn't please us, we rewind everything and repeat this process again.

As imagination goes, we love certainty too. I don't know if I should call it "the wishful thinking" since some imagination is not what we desire to be... but we like doing it so for where else permits you to do and redo events- and all happening this fast. Soon after these rehearsal, we may find ourselves losing factual bits. We try to recall what was done or said- and all desperately trying to differentiate our imagination from reality. We grabbed onto some words leftover from memory; it seemed maybe that was the important piece after all.

So I refuse to imagine at times. The dreamy, daring scenes are risky and heartening. Quite frankly, my imagination is tilted towards a dramatic loud ending (some call extreme?). I assure you this does nothing good to my well-being. The truth is in front of us; we may ask and we shall receive. For once, I disregarded my imagination and I ran for clarity. The path wasn't stretched long and the theatre inside my mind is gracefully put to rest for good... for now

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